Did you know that 80% of New Years resolutions FAIL by February?

Discover the best version of YOU in 2020!

How many times have you started the New Year motivated and ready to transform your life, only to lose focus by February?

Discover how people like you are taking action, achieving their goals & living their best life with our 10 week transformation program in 2020

Don’t make the mistake of choosing to ‘do it on your own’ and falling into the same old habits and outcomes as last year!

Are you someone that wants to.....

  • Achieve more than ever in 2020?

  • Find better and quicker ways to get results?

  • Focus on what really matters?

  • Get bigger results in your personal life and/or work?

If you’ve answered YES to any of the above, then you’re not alone. And we’re here to help you. Book a 15 minute Clarity Call or keep reading…

Want to know more?

Stress reduction
Hi, I’m Scott Whiteway and I help men and women transform their lives
to help them become a more confident, focused, and healthier version of themselves!
The best version of you.
Are you ready to take action, end procrastination and finally reach your goals and make 2020 one of the best years of your life?

Your Best Self Project 2020 is the right program for you if…

  • You’ve ever started and then quit your New Year’s resolutions in the past
  • You’re tired of making the same promises to yourself year in and year out
  • You feel dissatisfied with your life and wish things were different
  • Your motivation for change lasts only a few weeks before ‘life gets in the way’
  • You’re not sure what you want in life but you want something different
  • You want to set yourself big goals but you’re not sure how to achieve them
  • You procrastinate even when you are trying to achieve goals you just set
  • You wish you could find a program that will help you get great results and learn the tips for sustainable success?

If at least 3 of these statements describes you then Your Best Self Project 2020 could be for you!

Want to know more?  Keep reading…

Whether you landed here on purpose or by chance – I’m glad you found this page!  I would love the opportunity to be your coach and help you achieve your goals once and for all!

Right now I am looking to work with people like you to create amazing success stories for you. The way we’re going to do that is through Your Best Self Project 2020 !

The “Your Best Self Project 2020 “ is a results-focused program where we guide you through a system of one to one motivational coaching, informative and focused online video modules, and mindset exercises – all designed to help you set and accomplish your goals for 2020.

Claim Your Spot On This Program:

  • If you’ve been struggling to achieve your goals..
  • If you’ve been struggling with lack of clarity and focus…
  • Or if you’ve been struggling with low confidence and taking actions to get the success you want…
Take the first step and reserve your spot RIGHT NOW!

We use evidence based, scientifically proven techniques to help you get results

1:1 Coaching Sessions

Connect personally one to one with an experienced coaching psychologist to identify your best self, set your goals and action plans to meet your individual needs.  Most importantly have someone on your team to provide you with accountability and processes to ensure that you achieve your goals.

Videos and Tipsheets

Streamline your learning through online videos that explain the most recent research findings in setting goals, taking action and why people find it so hard to follow through – and how you can be different! Your Best Life Project 2020 will provide you with tipsheets, exercises and step by step explanations so you can achieve your potential.

Guaranteed Results

Our program was designed for YOU.  We have made every step convenient and easy to implement. We know our program works, and that’s why we guarantee results!

The First Step Is…

Step One

Nothing happens until you make a DECISION.  So step one is deciding and taking action by claiming a spot in our Your Best Life Project 2020.

To claim your spot or have a 15 minute Clarity Call with a Coach about Your Best Life Project 2020 click the big button that says “Click HERE To Get Started”

Step Two

Congratulations, the first step was actually the hardest. Now all you need to do is COMMIT to following through on the plans and actions that we will lay out together for the next 10 weeks.

Many people have successfully blazed this path before you, all you need to do is follow one step at a time – all the way to your goals.

Step Three

The next 10 weeks will come and go regardless of what you do now.

But if you DECIDE and then COMMIT, you will truly have something to CELEBRATE at the end of Your Best Self 2020

Take the First Step & reserve your spot now

What You Can Expect In 10 Weeks ?


Although everyone’s outcomes are going to be different, some of the most common results we see in just 10 weeks are…

  • Know Your Truth – the things that are really important to you and worth pursuing
  • Identify and have a plan to achieve Your Keystone Goal – the one thing that will make everything else fit together
  • Plans & Actions for success – make plans that will make a difference and take bold action in all areas of life
  • Bold Actions – the confidence to start taking decisive actions to achieve your goals
  • Develop processes to make your goals become a reality
  • Remove blocks that have stopped you from taking action up until now
  • Maintain Focus on what is important and resist ‘shiny objects’
  • Manage your stress levels on your journey
  • Build Confidence in yourself and your capacity to achieve, and importantly repeat the process
  • Reset your Trajectory to achieve the things you want in life

What you're going to get....

6 Personal 1:1 Coaching Sessions

Sessions are held with our experienced and qualified coach Scott Whiteway so you get personalised coaching with the attention, support and actions you need to fulfil your goals.
This is not a one size fits all program.  You bring your life, your challenges and your ambition.  This will form the backbone of conversations to maximise results.
Coaching sessions are available either face to face in Sydney or through web video.

6 Video Training Modules

Understand the latest evidence based strategies to maximise your success, presented to you in a straight forward no nonsense style.
Watch the videos live or catch up online in your own time. Learn how to make the changes you want in a step by step process. Topics include:

  • Planning and Goal Setting for Champions
  • Growth Mindset for Life
  • Power of Focus
  • Managing Your Mind
  • Planning For Success
  • Habits Are Who You Are

Your Best Self Project 2020 Manual

Keep a record of everything in a manual.  In the Best Self Project 2020 you will receive:

  • book summaries
  • tip sheets
  • how to guides
  • written exercises for your information, thoughts, goals and actions
  • Record your progress
  • Other stuff!

By the end of the program you will have a repository of materials to check back on, a record of your progress and the resources to replicate your accelerated progress over the 10 weeks at any time in the future.

Personal Goal Setting

We’ll get laser-focused on what YOU want to achieve and why you want it.  Most importantly, work to establish your Keystone Goal – the one that will make all the other goals fall into place.
We’ll set specific milestones and focus on the habits that you need to create to reach them.  Plus, we’ll check in along the way to make sure you’re staying on track! Success leaves clues, and we’ll be there every step of the way to make sure you’re getting great results!

Tracking & Accountability

What gets measured, gets done.  We know the importance of tracking your progress and will keep you accountable.  More than this, we will teach you how to track your progress over time progress tracking system. Our entire focus is on getting you results, and showing you a system that you can replicate.

Our job is to ensure that you don’t stagnate or even worse, fall right back into your old habits.  We will call, email and text you to ensure that you keep on track.

Ongoing contact with your Coach

In the Best Self Project 2020 program we understand that roadblocks and challenges can come up.  For this reason you are able to SMS or email your coach any questions throughout the 10 weeks with a 24 hour response time.  Knowing that support is there gives people the courage to get on and take risks, do things differently and make real change in their lives.

Private Facebook Group

You have Facebook, right?  You will get access to a private group that is filled with tips, strategies and inspiration to keep you going.  This group is a place where you can ask any questions that pop up in your mind and not only get answers from our qualified coaches, but thoughts, ideas and assurance from others that are on a similar journeyl!
This alone will give you ideas that you never thought about, and help keep you on your game throughout this program.


When you join the Best Life Project 2020, we give you a complete, detailed program with the exact steps you need to take to get amazing results in just 10 weeks.
 But This Program Isn’t For Everyone…
If you are not ready to jump in head first, prepared to do the work – then unfortunately this program isn’t for you…
The program will only work for people who are 100% ready to change their lives.
But if you are fed up with not feeling like you’re living up to your potential, then our Best Life Project 2020 the perfect solution for you!
Right now, we’re accepting applications (link is below). Once you apply and reserve your spot (we are only letting 20 people in), we will contact you for a 15 Minute Clarity Call to make sure we are a good fit for each other. There’s absolutely ZERO obligation to join.
From there, the last step is getting you enrolled and scheduling your first session!
It’s that easy. Click the button below to reserve your spot (it’s free to apply).

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is the Coach?

My name is Scott Whiteway and I am the coach and psychologist behind Your Best Self Project. I am a registered Psychologist and accredited Coach with over 20 years experience working with men and women to transform their lives. I am passionate about supporting people to uncover their passions and establish the vision for their best life and providing practical tools and support to help them achieve it.

Over the years I have had so many people come to see me who had tried goal setting, doing it tough etc, but were struggling to achieve what they were hoping for. So much effort for such little reward.

They needed a structured program with someone guiding them through the process to get amazing results and achieve what really was important to them.  With the right processes the pathway to success becomes clear.

It was out of seeing people try to do it on their own and do it the hard way that the “Your Best Self Project” was born.  Don’t get me wrong – it wont become ‘easy’, but doing the hard work the right way makes all the difference.

I love what I do. Clearly defining vision and goals is often game-changing for people. Same as a professional athlete, getting the right coaching to ensure that the right strategies for you are in place makes all the difference.  This is what will enable you to achieve your  goals, learn new skills and habits to support your goals.  Be empowered to transform your life.

Working with people to identify what they really want, make plans and take action to achieve their success is my motivation. Seeing people living the life they always dreamed of….

Where are you located?

Your Best Life Project 2020 is based in North Sydney.
Face to Face sessions are available at this location. For those not able to get to North Sydney people like you find web video sessions are an effective way to engage with a coach and get great benefits in a time efficient manner.
Your Best Life 2020 Project is operated by Body & Mind Health

Can I do my sessions online or phone

Many people engage in this program online of via phone. We use secure web portal Zoom for encrypted sessions to ensure confidentiality and ease of use. No accounts or logins are required as access is through a portal link emailed to you.

What’s the difference between this and another program?

The Your Best Life Project 2020 provides 1:1 coaching, Video information sessions, ongoing email support and additional information.
Your Coach has over 20 years experience in getting the best outcomes for people just like you.

How many sessions can I attend per week?

The format of the program is organised so that you have at least 1 contact point per week – either 1:1 Session or video. In some weeks there will be more than 1 contact to keep things moving. At least one of those you can do at any time that you have free. In addition you are able to access the online community 24/7 and also have email contact with your coach.

What do I need to know before attending my first session?

You will receive a video and some written materials. Please take the time to review these ahead of your first session. This should take around 20 minutes.
This process will be similar throughout the program. It ensures that you get the most value from your 1:1 sessions and this time can be spent to get maximum outcomes. This is a key part of the program and one of the ways in which the outcomes can be promised while keeping the prices down.

How does the guarantee work?

The guarantee works as follows. At the commencement of the program you agree to participate, giving the program 100%. This involves time, energy and doing things differently to how you have ever done them. At the completion of the program if you feel that you have not been provided the resources, strategies to support to achieve the agreed outcomes in your first session you will receive a full refund.
This refund is not available for people that are ‘too busy’ or ‘too stressed’ to continue with the program.
People with ill health will be provided a credit to participate in a later program when their health improves.

I have a Anxiety and/or Depression, or another mental health condition, is Your Best Self Project suitable for me?

For people that have low level anxiety or depression symptoms this program will be fine. In fact the progress made is likely to resolve some of these symptoms.
For those that have more significant mental health concerns or a diagnosed condition please raise this in your Clarity Call and best options can be discussed. It is possible that Your Best Self 2020 project is appropriate, but also likely that another form of support will benefit you more than the Your Best Self 2020 project.

When does Your Best Self Project 2020 start?

Your Best Self Project 2020 program starts in February and will run up to around easter – Yes that is coming up fast!
Your personal subscription will commence on the day that you sign up,. You will receive information and a video session to get you started. Your first 1:1 session will be scheduled within 1 week of your enrollment date.

What if I have more questions?

More questions is a normal part of making a decision – that’s why we are providing FREE 15 minute Clarity Calls for anyone interested in Your Best Self 2020 Project.
Please either book in a time or fill in your details here to get a call back.

Want to know more?

Abraham Lincoln
The future is in your hands…
Now is the time to take action on your goals.  If you are already feeling the year slip away – on February 5 the year will be 10% complete – there is no better time to start.  You could have your year completely on track and exceeding your own expectations by Easter!
Don’t let this be another year of ‘could of been better’ and ‘next year will be different’
The Your Best Self Project 2020 only has capacity for 20 people and spaces are expected to sell out fast.
If you need to know more or would like to talk about joining the program please go ahead and book a Clarity Call or complete your details in the form above.
Committed to your good health and amazing success,
Scott Whiteway
Body & Mind Health